Welcome to the hawtio community! We love contributions!
Please dive in wherever takes your fancy! It's hawt but stay cool!
The project tracks bugs, feature requests, and other issues through the Github issue tracking system.
To file new issues or comment on existing issues you need to register for a Github account which is quick and easy!
We prefer to use the issue tracker for dealing with ideas and issues, but if you just want to chat about all things hawtio please join us on the mailing list. Its pretty low volume though as we love github issues
We invite you to join us in the #hawtio channel on irc.freenode.net to chat about hawtio
This channel is logged to transcripts.jboss.org by JBossBot. The JBossBot is also present to expand issue numbers from the issue tracker.
We also keep an eye out on Stack Overflow for questions which makes it really easy to find answers to questions and commonly found problems. Though if you're running into an issue please use our issue tracker instead.
All the hawtio source code is managed using the distributed version system git and hosted on github
Both git and Github are awesome for collaboration! To make improvements or bug fixes to the hawtio project, simply fork the project, commit your changes, and send a pull request.